Dota 2 Update Introduces New Pudge Persona and Announcer Pack
Dota 2 Update Introduces New Pudge Persona and Announcer Pack
Tonight Valve updated Dota 2, adding a new Pudge persona and an announcer pack. Both items can be achieved through the levelling of Battle Pass.
The persona is called The Toy Butcher and is awarded for reaching level 255. It features all-new hero model, animations and voice-over. The new announced pack – The Voice of The International – is available on level 75 and features the voice of John Patrick Lowrie, an American actor who announces teams and players at The International events and who voiced multiple characters in Dota 2, including Pudge, Storm Spirit, Earthshaker and others.
The International 10 Battle Pass was released in late May. Since then the tournament’s prize pool has increased from $1,600,000 to almost $34,000,000. The event itself, however, was indefinitely postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and will most likely take place next year.